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With over 5.1 billion people using social media in 2024, you can’t deny its power as a marketing channel. What’s more, a typical user spends an average of 2 hours and 23 minutes on social media.

People come to social media for more than just checking what’s up with their family and friends. They also engage with influencer content, shop for products, and discover new brands and products.

We don’t need to tell you how important social media marketing has become in today’s world. However, we can help you find the best social media tactics to grow your small business in 2024 and beyond.

In this post, you’ll find a list of seven innovative social media tactics for small businesses. These are low-cost strategies that you can easily implement without a big budget or any technical expertise.

Let’s get right to it.

7 Social Media Tactics for Small Businesses to Try in 2024

In this section, we’ll list some innovative and effective social media tactics useful for small businesses. Experiment with some or all of these to determine what works for you, and then optimize your social media marketing strategy accordingly.
Here you go!

1. Create Various Types of Video Content

Video content dominates social media and is highly effective in driving both audience engagement and sales conversions.

According to the latest Wyzowl report, 90% of marketers confirm that video marketing helps them achieve a high return on investment. 87% claim that videos have helped directly boost sales for their business.

So, if there’s just one social media tactic you want to take away from this guide, let it be this—use videos to engage your audience on social media.

From Instagram Stories to short-form TikTok videos, there are myriad options for you to try.
Here are some popular types of videos, per the Wyzowl report.

Video Marketing Statistics


2. Leverage User-Generated Content

If you’re looking for cost-effective social media tactics for your small business, you should utilize user-generated content.

Use social media challenges and branded hashtags to encourage your customers to create brand-related content and tag you. Showcase the best UGC on your social media profiles.

This offers two key benefits:

  • You get free content to post on social media, keeping up with the frequency requirements of algorithms.
  • User-generated content provides social proof to your prospective customers that your existing customers like and engage with your brand.

Apple’s #ShotoniPhone UGC campaign is a legendary example of the success you can achieve using branded hashtags to generate UGC.

Apple simply encourages its customers to use the hashtag every time they post social media visuals shot using an iPhone. The campaign is so successful that the hashtag has generated over 29.9 million posts on Instagram.

Apple showcases some of the best user-generated content on its official account and tags the creator. This further incentivizes people to use the hashtag and create branded content.

Here’s an example of one such UGC post by Apple with the hashtag.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by apple (@apple)

3. Run Social Media Contests and Giveaways

Running contests and giveaways is one social media tactic that drives quick results. That’s why it’s perfect for a small business that wants to boost its social media following quickly.

Most such contests require participants to like the post announcing the giveaway and follow the brand or brands hosting it. Many also ask participants to comment, tag their friends, and share the post to get bonus entries.

The key is to strike a balance between what you’re offering and the rules of participation. If you ask people to do a lot but don’t offer enough incentives, you won’t get the desired engagement.

Another important practice is to clearly list the rules of participation and how and when winners will be chosen. Maintaining transparency will help you win audience trust and increase participation in your giveaways.

Check out this example of an Instagram giveaway with clear and detailed participation rules.

4. Use Brand Storytelling

Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to engage an audience. Brand storytelling helps brands genuinely connect with their audience.

According to a Sprout Social survey, 64% of consumers want brands to connect with them, and 76% will prefer brands they feel a connection with over their competitors.

That’s the power of forming a strong connection with your customers and brand storytelling helps you with that.

By telling your brand’s story, you inform people what your brand stands for and why it was formed. By sharing your brand values, you can attract consumers who share those values and beliefs.

A great example of brand storytelling is this video by Netflix that tells the story of how the brand came into being and revolutionized the way we watch movies or shows.

@The Story of Netflix | 25th Anniversary | Netflix

5. Partner with Micro-Influencers

It’s been proven time and again that influencer marketing works. In today’s digital world, where people spend more time on social media than in their real lives, influencers hold a lot of power.

They can sway opinions, build a brand’s image, and convince people to buy from certain brands.
If you want to promote your small business via influencers, working with micro-influencers is your best bet. They have 1000 to 100k followers and charge nominal fees for brand promotions, unlike celebrity influencers or mega influencers.

Micro-influencers typically have an engaged and loyal audience that trusts their recommendations. So, when they recommend your brand or product, it will have a significant impact.

Check out how micro-influencer Anna Gabor promotes the latest Desenio collection to her 33.5k followers. The post includes a link to the collection and a discount code to encourage the influencer’s followers to buy from the brand.

6. Engage with Your Audience

While this social media tactic is not exactly innovative, it’s still critical for a small business that wants to boost its social media presence.

One of the best ways for you to build a loyal social media following for your small business is to engage in conversations with your audience.

Respond to comments, reply to direct messages, and engage in lively conversations with your followers.
You can also host online events, such as virtual Q&A sessions, that allow your audience to ask questions in real-time.

Owlcrate, for example, is a small business that sells book subscription boxes. It has an engaged Instagram audience, and it replies to many user comments to build an online community.

Here’s one example of a post where the brand engages in conversations with its audience by replying to comments.

This is a simple yet effective social media tactic that doesn’t cost a thing and is easy to replicate. All you have to do is engage with your audience, and before you know it, you’ll have built an engaged and vibrant social media community for your brand.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by OwlCrate (@owlcrate)

7. Run Social Media Ads

Contrary to popular belief, social media advertising is not expensive. If anything, it’s a relatively cost-effective way to reach a niche audience and drive conversions.

Social media ads appear as native in-feed content and are more engaging than any other form of advertising. Not surprisingly, 43% of people come to social media to discover products and services they can buy.

Here are some common types of products people like to buy via social media.

Source –
Social media advertising is targeted at people who love to shop on social media. The best part is that most platforms allow you to run dynamic and targeted ads that are shown only to the most relevant users.

For example, if someone has clicked on a Facebook ad and bought from an apparel brand, they’ll be shown ads from other similar brands. After all, these users are more likely to buy similar products than someone who has never interacted with any apparel brand’s content or ads.

This saves you money that would have been spent on displaying ads to an irrelevant audience.

With the help of the right advertising agency, you can achieve great results from social media advertising without spending a lot. Seeking professional help can steer you in the right direction and help you get the best possible returns on your investment.

Ready to Take Your Social Media Marketing to the Next Level?

Use a mix of these innovative social media marketing tactics to grow your small business and boost its social media presence. Experiment with a few tactics and continue with the ones that drive the best results for your business.

If you need help with social media advertising, content creation, or branding, our agency—Momentum360—can help. We specialize in Facebook Ads and Google Ads campaign management and can help you run successful campaigns.

Contact us to book a free consultation to discuss your needs. Our team will create a customized marketing strategy to cater to your specific needs. Book your 30-minute strategy session today!